2024 - 2025 Color Coach
Do you sometime wish that you had a little helper to advise you on what colors go well together, especially the new In Colors? We call this a Color Coach.
Below are the Color Coaches for this year.

Below each color the Color Collection is indicate, for example Smoky Slate is in the Neutrals Color Collection. The In Colors are also indicated and they years they are current.
In the past I have printed these out on cardstock and cut them in the size of a deck of cards. punched a hole in the corner and secured them with a key ring, as shown in the video below.
You could also print them out on full sheets of cardstock and put them in a 3-ring binder. I would probably laminate them and then put index dividers by year.
If you would like me to print them out and put them on a ring for you, I am making this option available for a cost of $25, shop HERE.
I'd love to here if this is something that you would use.
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Images: Stampin' Up!© 1990 - Current