2024 Mini CD Calendar PDF Now Available
I remember just getting into stamping with Stampin' Up!© products, long before I became a demonstrator and was searching Craigslist for retired products. I happened to pickup some things that I found at a lady's house, and while I was waiting in her kitchen I saw this cute little calendar in a Mini CD case. Well, I was hooked!
I found out where she got the cases, and having worked in an office for many, many years and being fairly well versed in Word, I set out to make my own template. Well, the first attempts at the calendar were not perfect, and along the way one or two faux pas have slipped through. I've now been making these calendars for craft fairs for about 10 + years. They are always a hit. I have many repeat customers.
I usually start in August with my designs and creating the template. For the last couple of years I have been making the template available to purchase on Etsy and my website here, under Digital Products.
Here are links to both places if you are interested in purchasing the PDF:
Cottage Lane Stamper website: https://www.cottagelanestamper.com/product-page/mini-cd-case-calendar-template-for-2023-instant-download
Please do not share the template, it is my work.

The calendar PDF is now available. They are printed out on 8-1/2" x 11" cardstock. I have fine lines that show where to cut. There are 3 sheets for each year.
They measure about 3-1/2" wide by 3-3/4" tall. They make wonderful gifts and stocking stuffers. People were always looking forward to picking them up at craft fairs. I have one customer who orders quite a few for her family and friends and now they expect them every year. :-)
Last week I found a craft fair in town that will work with my physical limitations.
I purchase the cases from Calendar Cases. They are called the Floppy Disk case.
I found the best tool for me to make my calendars was the Stamparatus (which Stampin' Up!© retired this year). It save me a lot of hair pulling with fewer mess ups when stamping. You may be able to find one on a Facebook page that sells retired Stampin' Up!© products.
Well, I'd better get going on my printing and designing. I've only got two and a half months to get these done! The designing takes me the longest.
I'd love to hear if you give this a try and see your designs! Make sure to Like, Share & Subscribe!
Life Is Good! KISS (Keep It Simple Sharon)

Images: Stampin' Up!©